Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Day 4-Snæfellsness Peninsula

This was another big road trip day I had been craving to see. We got up early and left by 7am to drive the 2.5 hours to see some of the most gorgeous scenery on this earth. Heading north, we had to drive through the Hvalfjörður Tunnel. This was a bit of a weird experience because you actually are under water by over 500 feet. We could feel the pressure in our ears change as we submerged. 

We started out by driving west on the southern part of the penisula. As we kept going, our jaws kept dropping at the gorgeous scenery surrounding us.

Waterfalls, wild horses, hay covered pasture, snow capped steep mountains and a calm ocean surrounded our view the entire way. The southern route of the peninsula was remote and had very few villages. The waterfall that made us stop was Bjarnafoss. How would like this to be in your back yard?? Notice how there is a home in front of this gorgeous site.

And we keep going.

Continuing our drive, we came across the Rauðfeldar Canyon. This was a very narrow crevice in the rocks, but not somewhere I was comfortable hiking into. It was interesting to see however.

We are now on our way to the Snæfellsness National Park, and it just keeps getting better. Moss covered jagged rocks cover the landscape in the very southwest part of this peninsula, and the volcano that Jules Verne based his book Journey to the Center of the Earth appears in our view. It was somewhat cloudy, but not so bad we couldn't see the mountain. We are now at the western edge of the peninsula.

Moving to the north part of the peninsula, we came across a lot more civilization, and such cute villages. We stopped at these turf houses just after we left the park.

Another waterfall in someone's back yard, I could not find a name for this one.

Kirkjufell mountain is where we took a long break to take photos and eat lunch. This mountain is one of the most photographed in Iceland, and is very recognizable. We took a lot of photos and some video. I attempted to do a sketch, but it seemed more appropriate to just stare at the awesome beauty of this mountain and waterfalls. I was in a state of bliss being here.

The last stop on this epic trip was to Helgafell mountain near Stykkisholmur, one of the larger villages of the peninsula. This mountain has a sacred history, and I felt compelled to visit it. Legend tells that if one climbs up the mountain with a positive frame of mind, and does not look back or speak while climbing, three wishes of their choice will be granted. You must face east (there is a large compass that directs you) while making the wishes and never tell anyone what you wished for. My daughter thought I was slightly nuts for following this tradition, but I thought what do we have to lose? We made the hike in silence, and gave our wishes to the east.

This was a long day of driving, but well worth the incredible views we experienced. We ended the night at the Pylsa Restaurant for some evening cocktails and beer. Our server was very kind and recommended some outstanding local beer brewed in North Iceland. Another great day of adventure in Iceland.

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